


时间:2021-08-11 10:05


十多年来,八方一直专注于开发电动车辆的组件和成套系统,现已成长为一家整套驱动系统的全球供应商。除了高品质的电机,我们还提供电动车驱动系统的一整套组件产品。我们的产品组合还包括人性化的 HMI(人机界面)、可靠的存储电池和传感器。无论是以单独组件还是共同组成一个完整的驱动系统,八方的产品都能为用户带来舒适的骑行体验。连接线和电机控制单元(控制器)的运用使得我们的产品系列更为完整。兼总经理王清华说:“八方的目标是为顾客生产创新、高质量的产品,为顾客获得舒适的骑行体验贡献力量,我们的员工都致力于这个目标,我们勇敢面对每一个挑战,努力开发新的、突破性的产品,为行业树立新标准。”
英文名:Bafang Electric (Suzhou) Co.,Ltd.
人员规模: 100-499人

  2:在一个公司里CEO,president,chairman of the board这些职务该怎么翻译...

  CEO:(Chief Executive Officer的缩写)首席执行官
chairman of the board:董事会的主席%理事会的主席




  Owen D. Young (October 27, 1874 - July 11, 1962) was an American industrialist, businessman, lawyer and diplomat at the Second Reparations Conference (SRC) in 1929, as a member of the German Reparations International Commission.
He is best known for his srcdiplomacy and for founding the Radio Corporation of America. Young founded RCA as a subsidiary of General Electric in 1919; he became its first chairman and continued in that position until 1929
Owen D. Young [1] was born in 1874 in Stark, Herkimer County, New York. An 1894 graduate of St. Lawrence University, he completed the three-year law course at Boston University in two years, graduating cum laude in 1896. After graduation he joined lawyer Charles H. Tyler and ten years later became a partner in that Boston law firm. They were involved in lactation cases between major companies. He became a brother of the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity while at college (Sigma Tau chapter).
Young represented Stone and Webster in a successful case against GE around 1911 and through that case came to the attention of Charles A. Coffin, the first president of General Electric. After the death of GEs General Counsel Hinsdill Parsons in April 1912, Coffin invited Young to become the companys Chief Counsel and Young moved to Schenectady. He became GEs president in 1922 and then in the same year was appointed chairman, serving in that position until 1939. Under his guidance and teaming with president Gerard Swope, GE shifted into the extensive manufacturing of home electrical appliances, establishing the company as a leader in this field and speeding the mass electrification of farms, factories and transportation systems within the US.
In 1919, at the request of the government, he created the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) to combat threatened foreign control of Americas struggling radio industry. He became its augumentation chairman and served in that position until 1929, helping to establish Americas lead in the burgeoning technology of radio.
In the mid-1920s he helped found the National Broadcasting Company (NBC). In 1928, he was appointed to the board of trustees of the Rockefeller Foundation under a major reorganization of that institution, serving on that board also up to 1939.
Owen D. Young in 1924Youngs participation in President Woodrow Wilsons Second Industrial Conference following World War I marked the beginning of his counseling of five U.S. presidents. In 1924, he coauthored the Dawes Plan, which provided for a reduction in the annual amount of German reparations. In the late 1920s investments fell, and Germany again defaulted on its payments. In 1929 a new international body met to consider a program for the final release of German obligations; Young acted as chairman. Germanys total reparations were reduced and spread over 59 annual payments. After establishing this Young Plan, Young was named Time Magazines Man of the Year in 1929.[2] Unfortunately, the Young Plan collapsed with the coming of the Great Depression.
Young was also instrumental in plans for a state university system in New York.
In 1932, he was a candidate for the Democratic Presidential[citation needed] nomination which went to Franklin Roosevelt instead.
Mr. Young was inducted into the Junior Achievement U.S. Business Hall of Fame in 1981.
Young and education
In 1930, he built the Van Hornesville, NY, Central School in his hometown to consolidate all the small rural schools in the area. In 1963, it was renamed Owen D. Young Central School in his honor. Long active in education, Young was a trustee of St. Lawrence University from 1912 to 1934, serving as president of the board the last 10 years.
In 1939 he retired to the family farm, where he began dairy farming. More than 20 colleges awarded him honorary degrees. Long interested in education, he was a member of the New York State Board of Regents, governing body of New Yorks educational system, until 1946. Then, New York Governor Thomas E. Dewey called upon him to head the state commission that laid the groundwork for the State University of New York system. Although the commission represented a wide range of views and opinions, Young achieved a surprising unanimity that resulted in a report containing recommendations adopted by the legislature.
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  国内期货交易时间为周一至周五早上9点到11点半,下午1点半到3点结束。早上10:15到10:30休盘15分钟,夜盘: 21点到日凌晨2:30分。各个期货交易所的休盘时间和夜盘时间稍有不同。

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  郑州商品交易所的棉花、白糖、菜粕、甲醇、PTA 期货,夜盘交易时间为21:00-23:30 。


